I am a dreamer about you, I am a dreamer about myself, Although it is a nightmare for me to dream about you and myself

Thursday, May 08, 2014

An empty reality

Economy slowly killing me.. I'm just a lame person that really in a "comfort zone".. I've tried several times but God still haven't heard yet my pray, or maybe someday it will emerge.. or maybe it doesn't really wanna come.. I'm just a little person that praying and hoping for the best of us. I've tried and I'm failed, again and again.. I could not take this anymore, depress and suffer beyond fantasy.. crying out loud inside me, yelling through out my ears..

It's all because freaking economy that tearing me apart.. :-( I need an encouragement not an argument that leads me toward the dead end.. frustration all around me, need some space of motivation that helping my mind to solve it. I don't know, my writing day by day month by month year by year, all about condemning myself.. complaining about myself.. God please help me.. :'-(