I am a dreamer about you, I am a dreamer about myself, Although it is a nightmare for me to dream about you and myself

Monday, July 06, 2009


half of my day
i cried...
the more i feel
the more tears it fall on my cheek
the tears that never had a price tag
and its free of course

half of my day
i cried in the toilet
in my room
at cafe
at emergency exit door
and its free to let it out

half of my day
i cried...
why? im hurt...
im struggling with emotion that i had
no one would share my emotion and my tears
because its free of charge

half of my day
been thinking bout you
cry to solve my problems
and i know...

half of my day

i always love you, with my tears going down and flooding this keyboard...

i cry to say i love you sayang.
*cry while writing*

so here i am, sad and sad
i wish she knows bout what im feel
i try to be the best
and i like you to encourage me as well
but somehow it turns out differently
im feel scared
im feel dying
im feel hopeless
down to the level that so deep and dark
am i wrong?
i know that im too slow too stupid enough about all things
but here i am alone with my feelings
and write it down for me to express the sad I've been through
dear! i wish u could hear my heart and of course i wish you could hear my voice
i love you more that you know
but why did you treat me like that?
you know i am right?

im dying right now
the pain that only you can heal it
please dear, im so deeply feel like a no one to anybody...

will you love me like you love me before dear?

i want to die forever with you
dont let me feel like this

from the bottom of my heart i express it deeply and i say it to you
i love you sayang!... :|