I am a dreamer about you, I am a dreamer about myself, Although it is a nightmare for me to dream about you and myself

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Balek awal hari ini

Ermm... ini ari aku balek awal sbab teruje nak jamm ngan Shuk, lagipon stress and tension yang kami tempuhi haih xdpt lagi ditahan... so ape lagi jamm ar ari ni same Shuk, Mus and of course mister frontman kiter Arabican...hehehe, so dak2 ni ask me to join their band cause they need guitarist so ape lagi set je ar for side project, after all i got so many artworks to be heard by people out there. so ok la jamm arini for a starting point... derang pon manyak cover lagu2 RHCP owhh man i luv it (FUNKADELIC) pasni hippies ler aku kehkehkeh!!! so i hope i can lead them to be a "band"...

p/s: ape bikin you agak sibuk ek hehehe caiocaio gurl ; )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WAH! join band en syuk dan en mus ah? wahahahah abes ler jadey black metal..