I am a dreamer about you, I am a dreamer about myself, Although it is a nightmare for me to dream about you and myself

Friday, November 10, 2006


haha! a good class from MR LEE, our tennis sifu! so otai you know... today practice was damn good, we were been told be ply half court and practice to hit the ball, but one of my friend, wahwahwah he hit the ball like hes playing full court! wahwahwah not that all he claim himself as roger federer kahkahkah! but its ok la if he is federer so i am boris baker la! the otai one! we practice in about 20 to 30 min and its damn give me a really sweat like rainning.. but im gonna like it tennis class, at least i work up once in a week!haha! great tennis, and great people there (amoi2nyer) hahaha!!

p/s: one day, i will head-to-head with MR GHAZ aka SAMPRAS kots?? can i win it?

1 comment:

~ writing writer ~ said...

pete sampras lerrr!! hekhekhek