I am a dreamer about you, I am a dreamer about myself, Although it is a nightmare for me to dream about you and myself

Friday, January 04, 2008

"The Scorpio person is passionate, powerful, penetrating, intense, determined, compelling, purposeful, keenly perceptive, brave, deep, complex, analytical, inquisitive, sensual, mysterious, resourceful, ambitious, magnetic, hypnotic, creative, intriguing, profound, loyal, supportive, protective, generous, humble, quiet, and encompassing. They are also self-critical, investigative, passionately caring, tenacious, dynamic, probing, emotional, concerned, compassionate, and shock-proof. They have intense concentration and they understand failings.

On a bad day a Scorpio tends to be self-destructive, ruthless, overbearing, suspicious, jealous, possessive, dangerous, quick-tempered, obstinate, moody, sadistic, insulting, secretive, intolerant, cunning, vindictive and terribly insecure."


Mystery, secrets, privacy, loyalty, passion, strength, being acknowledged, integrity, willpower, strategy.

deceit, apathy, being questioned, excessive compliments, easily tempered, insincerity, embarrassment, passivity.

Suitable occupations
detective (aiyark kene jd detective conan laa), pathologist, surgeon (haha bedah-bedah), scientist, researcher, undertaker (ni baru black metal sket), insurer, market analyst, butcher (wow), member of the armed service, politician (xmo sama skali get involve), actor (you nk i jd ni kn), artist (sama camni pon), or pharmacist."

-taken from wikipedia

p/s: ade sket2 laa kene gak huhu.. but i am what i am...

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