I am a dreamer about you, I am a dreamer about myself, Although it is a nightmare for me to dream about you and myself

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A day with a crazy hour till 3

today people seems to be nice to me maybe because I think they miss the crop hair man that always busying himself with work... i feel so ok today because of the environment actually its quite freezing here (can mutate me into a snowman cause snow da nk turun kat my office MY GOD!) and the people quite nice to me ;)...

there's one part that i think funny and true kot haha!! there's 1 my office mate said to me "weh mane ko pi smlm hah? ko gi dating ek

ngan awek ko?! yela..smlm pon kl org xramai so senang la bergerak kan *sambel ghenyeh2*" then i was said back to him "mane ade beb,aku xsihat laa smlm, aku agak demam + seseme sket tu psl laa aku xmai!!" then i plus my word more more "ape brg dating time weekdays beb?! org dating time weekend laa start jumaat, sabtu, ahad baru laa betul *dengan gaya kompoiden nye ayat tuh kuaq*" then,ok

this part is to remember, come 1 akak rerupenyer tengah pasang telinga heard my conversation with my mate, she said "wahh!romantik ko firdaus ek? akak ingat ko nih
ganas + rock rerupenyer ko nih romantik",then she plus "ala akak tau, org cam ko nih
mmg camtuh luar lain dalam lain,hahaha baru akak tau rupe2nye ko ni jiwang karat mcm awie dlm cite kpg pisang!" then i laugh out loud! so easy they call me like that...ok! i take that as a joke,its fine for me...selagi ia tak menjatuhkn my dignity...i have pride and also a stance to be followed! haha very funny la my office mate today, they just like 1 year didnt see me in the office haih! terharu2...

then, i rush to my work, in about 25 mins.. then come 1 more akak talking to 1 more akak, "eh! ko xpesan ap2 ke kat cik anuar tuh? kan die outstation kat srawak.." so, my ears like parabola satelite that catch every sound n frequency beyond any other satelite can..hahaha apekah? then continue 1 of the akak "aku ingat nak pesan pasu bunga laaa yang...blablabla" haih akaks talk! you know..then another 1"aku ingat nak pesan GAMBIR SARAWAK laaa...baru laa best lama skit" then i was like WHAT THE tuttut this akak order from mr anuar there. oh man!! then i suddenly, laugh in cover mode...so she caught me then she said "haaa tgk tuh firdaus tuh tau tuh psl GAMBIR SARAWAK mesti pernah gune *dalam style2 gurau gedik2*" then i said "mane de akak oi!! penah dengaq je laaa kan kat mesjid india tu kan bersepahm org jual apsal nk bli kat sane haih!" then dengan pantas nyer kene counter "sane baru pure n ori!!" OH MY GOD! ade gak akak2 mcm ni kt cni talking this kind of thing...uihhhh mereman
bulu roma ku mcm terjmp hantu lompat2 hahaha.. so i leave them with their hot
chat.. but every time that akak pass my cubicle she said "hah firdaus2 xsangka akak
ko nih ek" then she spoil my hepi day a bit i said "akak jgn la dok ckp camni tooloongg laa ok!!*ngan gaye yang tegas*"haha then she a bit blush laa kot.. too proud wuth her story about GAMBIR SARAWAK kasi sumbat mulut baru tau...:))

that is the weird and crazy day after i've been working here since october the 17th... i gotta laugh with all my heart te kuarkuar lepas abes keje ni WAHAHAHAA!!

p/s:mcm best je kamu tmpt kamu ckp tu, xper kalu sedap kite have a try ok ;)hepi reading yaa!!

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